Fatherhood/Male Involvement

The fatherhood program was established to better support men to be involved in the education of their child.  The Fatherhood Initiative helped to empower and encourage male role models to become active in the day to day activities of their child.  By promoting fatherhood, more dad’s, grandfathers, uncles, or other supporting males have attended the Head Start meetings, volunteer activities in the classrooms and PALS, home visits, field trips, and other opportunities to participate with their child.  It has been the goal of the HS program to welcome fathers to participate both formally and informally in their child’s education.  Research has shown that by having an involved father or father figure in the life of the child, children will grow up to be well-adjusted, happier, and successful children. Studies also reveal that children with supportive fathers do better in school, have less delinquency, and grow up to be more productive adults.

Two formal fatherhood events take place in the fall and the spring.  These events are planned by each local parent group and they reflect the activities that each individual parent group has chosen to do.

Parents are their children’s first and most influential teachers.  The early childhood years are crucial for children to fully develop in order for success in school and in life.  The intent of the Head Start Parent/Volunteer Handbook is to help families to better understand what the Head Start program is, and how to identify what their role both as a parent and volunteer in the program involves.  As parents/guardian, you are the primary educator of your child and it is our desire that Head Start helps to enhance and support the goals that you have for your child and family.

South Central Child Development, Inc. offers Head Start services in a sixteen county area in South Dakota.  The service options include the home-base option, center-base option and the combination option.  The primary goal of Head Start is to make sure that each child and their families are ready for the transition into school.

Youth Involvement

South Central Child Development, Inc. provides youth the opportunity to participate with the children in the program.  The Youth Initiative helps to build partnerships with junior high and high school youth that can act as mentors for Head Start children.  Youth are recruited from various educational based organizations, faith based organizations, and community service organizations.  Youth are involved in activities that promote positive role modeling and that promote community service that include, but are not limited to:

  • Literacy activities
  • Promoting children’s social and emotional development
  • Enhancing fine and gross motor skills
  • Assisting in language development for children and families